jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018



1. physical problem.
2. psychological problem.
3. Family problem.

  •  Physical problem. Solution would be to provide adequate nutrition that can help the process of healing from the drug diction. (example: a diet of fruit, cereals among other foods.) 

  •  Psychological problem. solution is to accompany the patient who take addiction treatment, consists of behavioral therapies and with drugs for will detoxify it drugs.   

  •  Family problem.    Solutions is to create spaces for conversation within families and not leave open discussions.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Audiobooks ROMEO & JULIET


This book is quite exciting, It is a beautiful story of love and  it is also very sad and  even after the first pages It begins with a small action a duel between the servants of two rival families of Verona: the man and the woman are wonderful characters it is well written and the characters are really interesting .The facts take an unexpected turn when Romeo meets Julieta and as expected they fall in love instantly but soon discover that we have rival families .Although the story is remove complicated and they have disastrous situation, but since they are two teenagers crazy in love, meet in secret and decide to marry. However, the story is very sad, with difficulties and tragedies. I definitely recommend it! Because it’s a great book with excellent narration and some really nice prayers. (The conversation of Romeo and Juliet on the balcony, for example).

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018



                                     RADICAL CHANGES OF MICHAEL JACKSON 


According to the video treatment of Michael Jackson that helped to change his physical appearance It was heartbreaking and revealed the whole truth about the strange ailment of the famous musician.

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29 in Indiana, United States.Michael Jackson said for al first time that his father hit him before reaching adolescence, When he was only a child, and although he had already told him on several occasions, first of all since childhood he showed a special interest in music and his talent was something undeniable.

In second place, five years his musical talents took him to be part of the Jackson Five where he shared the stage with his brothers. At age 12 he was considered a prodigy and a fixture of the show in the United States. 
Related to the group that formed together with his brothers in a seller more than one hundred million copy after  Michael Jackson created numerous songs which gave him worldwide fame. However, many people remember him as a person who changed his physical appearance. 
Soon since 1980's the musician skin began to change color this change has generated rumors that the actor was trying to whitewash it.

In 1993,then father of a minor complaint, of course, of sexual abuse committed in the famous mansion "Neverland" a House amusement park to which the artist invited children to spend whole days. In the end there were accusations from several witnesses about the strange behavior of Jackson.

Related to that his latest album is then published since 2001 from here starts a professional, personal and artistic deterioration of the King of pop, lastly an intoxication from the anesthetic propofol was given medications provided by his personal physician Conrad Murray ended his life on June 25, 2009, leaving a means the last great performance of his life.

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2018

Essential habits for life

                         HABITS TO HAVE A FULL AND                                  QUIET LIFE

Good health is related to positive moods and habits.

According to me, the most important and primordial thing is to have God in our hearts, to love our families and friends without any hatred whatsoever.


Welfare is one of the most fundamental principles of the human being. Although that concept may vary from one individual to another, promote peaceful environments and situations-free nosivas is more than essential to reconcialiarte every day much more with yourself and pass it on to those around you.
Smile to every problem in life is better than tears. Smile is the cure more wondrous, a perfect gift of life.

The food are the most agreeable enjoyment but sometimes we think that all food is equal. Perhaps you like to eat fast food such as potato chips or burgers, but the only thing you can do is hurt you. Food the more quickly they are tastier than the soup or salad, but the best health is salad, fish, fruits and vegetables.
When you are hungy, the best thing you do is eat fruits like papaya or nuts, beacuse these help to calm your hunger than other kind of food.

I recommend you have a lighter dinner than heavy, this help you with the metabolism.


You can try with many activities such as dancing, walking, or find an activity that you like more to you.
You must exercise every day for a minimum of fifteen minutes. This is a good habit because you can have a lonely life, Lowers cholesterol levels, overweight controls, reduces stress, oxygenates tissues and help, through sweat, eliminates toxins.


The water is more beneficial than the soda, you should drink two litres for day.
When the students are study is better drink water than nothing because this help to the brain for the oxigenation.
When you practice any sport or do any activitie is the most exclusive treatment for your body drink  lot of water.
Not used to drink plenty of water, but now I do. This makes me happy and I feel more calm and energized.


Enjoy activities outdoors, a picnic or a walk.

You could do is visit nature, breathe a purer air than the city, see the most recent events. I give you some examples of places you can visit.
If you like nature, the mountain is the most wonderful place to go, you can enjoy the colors of the landscape, listen to the song of the birds or watch the sunset.
Do not worry about your age, even if you are older than me, you have the possibility to enjoy this. If you are younger than me you feel a new experience.
I did not used to do this kind of activities, but after to try on, I start to do more of this and I know new places to enjoy and have quiet in my life.

For people who have the most luxurious pleasures, shopping or going to an amusement park is more interesting than staying at home watching a movie or chatting in your family. Make a new routine, the world is not for the slowest, learn to live faster.